The VaporTech Blog

    PVD-coated plastic products

    Applying PVD Coating on Plastic Parts

    2 min read

    People often associate PVD coatings with finishes applied to metal substrates, such as drill bits, molding dies, consumer products (faucets and door hardware), etc. However, PVD coatings have long been used to coat plastics. This approach p...

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    Electroplated parts with PVD coating
    The Benefits of PVD Coating on Electroplated Parts
    3 min read
    While electroplating and PVD finishing could be considered competing technologies, they often work together to provide additional value for ...
    Products enhanced with zirconium PVD coating
    Use Our Zirconium Coating Technologies for Outstanding Durable & Decorative Coatings
    2 min read
    Why Use Zirconium-Based Durable/Decorative Color PVD Coatings When exploring durable/decorative color PVD coatings, you might notice that zi...
    gold abstract
    All That Glitters is Not Gold—But It May Be Gold PVD Coating
    2 min read
    One of the most frequent questions we get asked about our decorative PVD offerings is if it is possible to match the appearance of real gold...
    How Our Labs Develop PVD Coatings for Customer Needs
    2 min read
    Why our labs rock at PVD coating development Vapor Technologies, Inc. (VaporTech®) has built our reputation on the thin-film coatings we’ve ...